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Student Audition/Application Materials and Information




*PLEASE NOTE: You MUST have your student activity fees paid in order to participate (base fee $25 + $25 for musical).  IF SELECTED, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PICK UP YOUR SCRIPT BOOK UNTIL IT IS PAID!  You can pay this ahead of time or when you pick up your script.


Thursday, November 14th

Forms/Applications due!

Online Audition Time Slot DEADLINE!


Monday, November 18th

Actors: Auditions (3:00pm-5:00pm)


Tuesday, November 19th

Actors: Auditions (3:00pm-8:00pm)

CAST & CREW LIST POSTED (between 9-11pm)


Thursday, November 21st

Organizational Meeting for ALL Cast, Crew, Pit
and Parents/Guardians 6:00 - Auditorium


Thursday, November 21st

Full cast read-thru 7:00-9:00 - chorus room​


Calendar link (this is a ROUGH DRAFT- but it gives you an idea of the schedule)




Find your area of interest below, follow your "to do" list and  and click on the links to complete your items. 

Actors (Male and Female): 

-Download/print the audition packet (Female Packet)   (Male Packet)
-Complete the online audition Google form
-Print/complete/submit the signature sheet 
-Sign-up for an audition time slot.


Auditions  are Monday Nov. 18th & Tuesday , Nov. 19th
The deadline to sign-up (online) for an audition time slot is THURSDAY, NOV. 14th.


Pit Orchestra
-Print/complete/submit the signature sheet 
-Pit information sheet

-Pit application form


*Please see Mr. Schwanger if you are interested


Stage/Tech/Makeup/Build/Costume Crews
-Complete the online Google form application (This doesn't guarantee a spot!)
Crew Info Sheet

-Print/complete/submit the signature sheet 





Audition tracks

Audition questions?

Email BOTH Mr. Walz and Mrs. Tiede

Practically Perfect Accomp
00:00 / 00:36
Practically Perfect vocal
00:00 / 00:46
Being Mrs Banks Accomp
00:00 / 00:50
Being Mrs Banks (Reprise) vocal
00:00 / 00:49
A Spoonful of Sugar Accomp
00:00 / 00:47

You will sing ALL the examples in your packet for your audition.  Audition songs can be found in the packets at the top of this page. 


Below are two tracks.  One has vocals, the other is just accompaniment. They have been edited to reflect the audition material in your packet. We will use the accompaniment only recordings for your audition.    

Jolly Holiday Accomp
00:00 / 00:59
Jolly Holiday vocal
00:00 / 01:06
Cherry Tree Lane Accomp
00:00 / 00:38
Cherry Tree Lane (Part 2) vocal
00:00 / 00:46
Let_s Go Fly A Kite Accomp
00:00 / 00:43
Let_s Go Fly A Kite vocal
00:00 / 00:47
A Spoonful of Sugar vocal
00:00 / 00:46
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